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Moscow, Russia Singles Tour


Upcoming Tour Select Your AFA Tour

Thousands of beautiful women from Moscow and surrounding cities are waiting to meet you during AFA's exciting Singles Tour! You will enjoy constant introductions to the beautiful women who inhabit Russia's largest city, boasting over 9 million people. Thus, not only will you have the opportunity to meet the lovely women who inhabit Moscow, but women from many other smaller cities as well.

The education system in Moscow is excellent, you will find many of the women to be professionals of various disciplines, as well as many who speak English or some other foreign language.


Moscow is very exciting and vibrant, full of great date ideas. There are the old favorites, such as Red Square, the Kremlin, and Lenin's Mausoleum; however, Moscow offers so much more. Simply taking the Metro in Moscow is an adventure in itself. The Metro Stations are considered "underground museums" and are well worth exploring (makes for a great casual date). There are also excellent walking tours such as Tverskaya Street or the Central Squares, where you will see famous skyscrapers, museums, theaters and churches.

The nightlife in Moscow is abundant with numerous clubs featuring music and dancing to satisfy any taste. There are thousands of restaurants competing for your interest, serving up various culinary delights. They come in all sizes, price ranges, and ethnic flavors.


Moscow is truly the heart of Russia, and for one to truly appreciate Russia and its history, one must visit Moscow. It is also the home to some of the most beautiful women in the world and the reason A Foreign Affair has located an office at the Cosmos hotel, one of the largest hotels in Moscow, and the very hotel you will be staying at during your tour. Our staff is there year round to assist you with all your travel and introduction needs, before, during and after

Please feel free to click on any of the links below or to the left to learn more about our spectacular Singles Tour to this truly enchanting city.

  Singles Tours
Russian Women Tours Latin Women Tours Peru, Latin Women Tours Costa Rica, Latin Women Tours Multiple Cities Women Tours Ukraine Women Tours Thailand, Asian Women Tours
Philippines, Asian Women Tours China, Chinese Women Tours

Discover why more Singles Tour clients place their trust in A Foreign Affair each and every year than any other tour agency!

Now have all your Singles Tour questions answered by one of our Tour Representatives 7 days a week, from 9AM to 9PM MST, by calling our Tour Info line at (602) 553-8178

Announcing Our Live Telephone Forum
We're here to answer your questions about EVERYTHING!
foreign travel, foreign customs, foreign women, how to protect yourself from scams
And So Much More!
All Free (you just have to join the discussion)

Be a part of A Foreign Affair 's only live telephone discussion group as our panel answers your questions concerning Foreign brides, immigration issues, cultural differences and Foreign marriage services/Singles Tours. Our panel often includes John Adams, President of A Foreign Affair , Bud Patterson, a leading expert, past Singles Tour clients and real foreign ladies who have happily married American men just like you. You will be joined by up to 100 callers from around the world for an hour or more of informative, current, and important information for anyone considering meeting and marrying a foreign bride. It's free, informative, and fun, so mark it on your calendar and be sure to call in and join the conversation!

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